Polígono Industrial Palmones 2 | Calle Balandros Nº27 CP: 11379 | Los Barrios (Cádiz)

20 years of expertise

The founders rely on a wide expertise along more than 20 years in the naval field, new builds and repairs, and in the industrial field.

Qualified team

Our professional team has pluridisciplinary education, and as such is able to face safely any project.

Strategic location

Our location in the bay of Algeciras close, to Gibraltar, and allows us to
respond quickly to our Clients their needs.

24 hour and 365 days at your service

You can reach us 24 h on the telephone, and you will be attended in Spanish,
English, French or German.

Pipe and steel manufacturing
Ship repairs afloat and shore repairs in factories

Factory maintenance and planning

Wide range of operation services related to the planning and performance of
maintenance in factories.


Ship repair, afloat services

We have a long experience performing repairs on board of ships.


Surveys and project supervision

Our project management services will help you to reduce costs and improve
the planning of any project.
